This closed category facilitates exchange of participants of the EU funded NPM project “Working towards harmonized detention standards in the EU - the role of NPMs”.
The NPM Standards project (01/2019 - 12/2020) is ran by a project consortium of four organisations. Those are: Associazione Antigone (AA), Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (BHC), Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC) and Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM), which is also leading the project.
This category contains hidden subcategories on four thematic areas which are only visible to invited members of the NPM Standards project and cannot be accessed by anyone without invitation by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights.
1.) Treatment of certain groups in a situation of vulnerability
e.g. persons with psychosocial impairments, foreigners, women, etc. (BHC)
2.) Detention in detention, e.g. solitary confinement, segregation (AA)
3.) Right to complain, complaints, disciplinary measures (HHC)
4.) Violence in detention, e.g. inter-prisoner violence, self-inflicted violence (BIM)
Each topic can be accessed by every project participant. The four topics are hosted and moderated by the project partners.
Members of the EU-NPMs are invited to take part in the discourse, share monitoring experiences, discuss challenges with specific standards and develop ideas on how to achieve change.